Sunday, February 15, 2015

February 2015 "Valentines Day" Results

Pink Ball and 2 Better Balls of 4

Pink Ball
Beth Rinehold, Gretchen Ostergren, Jo Payne, Marilyn Freeman - $10 each

2 Better Balls of 4
Norah Dunbar, Anne Love Hall, MaryLou Ramos, Suzanne Jakubowski -$25 each

1st Low Net
Anne Elwell, Maureen Evans, Judy Borrell - $25 each

2nd Low Net
Beth Rinehold, Gretchen Ostergren, Jo Payne, Marilyn Freeman - $15 each

Closest to the Pin
#2 - Patty Lobenberg, $20
#11 - Elizabeth Winterhalter, $20

January 2015 Results

1 - 2 - 3 Best Ball of 4

1st Place Gross scoring 162
Beth Rinehold, Gretchen Ostergren, Marilyn Freeman, Jo Payne - $25 each

1st Place Net scoring 121
Cathy Taylor, Laura Jespersen, Kitty Soohoo, Tammy Esposito - $25 each

2nd Place Net scoring 125
Anne Love Hall, Norah Dunbar, MaryLou Ramos, Suzanne Jakubowski - $15 each

Closest to the Pin
#2 - Beth Rinehold, $20
#11 - Linda Sumansky, $20

December 2014 Results

Individual Stroke Play

1st Low Net - 68.0
Cathy Taylor - $30

2nd Low Net - 73.0
Kristen Koch - $25

3rd Low Net - 75.0
Linda Leary - $20

4th Low Net - 76.0
Andrea Rifkin - $8
Anne Elwell - $8

1st Low Gross - 82
Beth Rinehold - $30

2nd Low Gross - 94
MaryLou Ramos - $20

Closest to the Pin
#6 - Kitty Soohoo - $25
#11 - Beth Rinehold - $25

November 2014 Tournament Results

Member - Guest 2 Player Scramble

Gross, Scoring 74
Susan Parker and Shannon Johnson - $30 each

Net 1st, Scoring 63.5
Kristen Koch and Araceli Gil - $30 each

Net 2nd, Scoring 64.0
Linda Sumansky and Chris Roe - $20 each

Closest to the Pin
#2 - Amanda Thomas $20
#11 - Donna "The Dish" Dishman $20